Johann F. Hetzel, age 87, passed peacefully holding the hand of Elisabeth, his beloved wife of 62 years. Loving father of of Elisabeth Williams (Glenn), Heidimarie Hetzel (deceased), Ingrid Brown (Christopher), Traudi Kelly (Timothy) Erika Elliott (Pete); loving grandfather of Paul Williams (deceased), Caitlin Hutnik (Mikol), Chelsea Wiese (Brandon), Timothy Kelly, Brendan Kelly, Michael Iliopoulos and Dean Elliott; loving great-grandfather of Ethan, Ian, Ryley and Elliot Williams. Known by his family as Papa, and known to his friends as Hans, he worked at the Ford Motor Company Stamping Plant in Walton Hills, Ohio for nearly 40 years, where he started as a Tool and Die Maker and concluded his career as Plant Superintendent. In lieu of flowers, the family suggests contributions to Cleveland Clinic Foundation-Hospice Care at their website: or calling 216-444-1245. Memorial Service to be held at 1:30 p.m. on Saturday, March 11, 2017 at Zion Lutheran Church, 5780 Dunham Road, Maple Hts., Ohio. There will be no reception following the service. A private, family-only Interment to follow at a later date.